Click HERE to Apply for Your Pension Benefit

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10,000 Participants and Growing

Over 130 Christian schools participate in CSI's world class plans.

Joining the Plans

Any of These Sound Familiar?

  1. I need someone with expertise who understands my school, to help me find the best options for my team.
  2. We're having trouble retaining or attracting great staff members.
  3. I don't have the time to ensure we have the best benefits option.
  4. The benefits package we offer doesn't meet our needs well.
  5. Our staff has to change insurance and retirement plans every time they change schools.

We Know Christian Education

Why Christian Schools International?

Shopping for a benefit package that meets your staff’s needs and your organization’s budget? Want to talk to someone who really understands your school? We’ve got you covered with tailored, quality health benefits and a pension plan built specifically for Christian educators, by Christian educators.

Over 100 Christian Education Organizations trust Christian Schools International to find and provide the best benefits and retirement options for their employees. Let us find the solution for you!

Speak to a Benefits Expert

001 Todd Photo July 2022

Todd Schilthuis

Pension & Insurance Account Manager